TIL: Tmux Control
- tmux
- terminal
I never realized how powerful it could be to issue tmux
commands directly. For example, I wrote this amazingly useful script called lgo
that spins up a Golang playground. It automatically opens a new tmux window and sets up the watcher and neovim.
I’d like to setup these scripts for other languages too when I need a quick sandbox to test out an idea or validate some possible garbage I got from chat GPT :)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
mkdir "$DIR"
pushd "$DIR"
go mod init "jdlm/learn/$1"
cat << EOF > main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello world.")
cat << EOF > watch
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec --clear --watch . --exts go -- go run .
chmod +x watch
tmux new-window -n "lgo-$1" -c "$DIR" "nvim main.go"
tmux split-window -v -c "$DIR" "./watch"
tmux select-pane -U